Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer

CHHETRY & ASSOCIATES, P.C., provides this website’s content to the general public for general information purposes only and such content should not and does not constitute provision of advice, legal or otherwise. CHHETRYLAW gathers this information from a variety of free publicly available sites including government-operated sites, and on the date this information is released to the site, CHHETRYLAW makes its best efforts to ensure that the information is current, true, and accurate as of the date of the release, without any assurance or warranty concerning the accuracy, the currency, relevancy, applicability, or timeliness of any of the released contents.

We recommend that visitors using CHHETRYLAW seek advice from lawyers or other legal professionals instead of relying solely on our contents or information. Furthermore, no attorney-client privilege or other contract is formed. No offer is created between the visitor and CHHETRY & ASSOCIATES,P.C., by the visit to our site or by the use of our contents beyond this Disclaimer and the Terms of Use displayed on our site. We reserve our right to change, modify, remove, delete, or update any or all of our contents and information without any notice to anyone.

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CHHETRY & ASSOCIATES, P.C., makes good-faith efforts to ensure currency and accuracy of the content and information displayed on its site. However, such information or content does not in any way constitute a legal or professional advice or opinion, and CHHETRY & ASSOCIATES, P.C., shall not be held liable or responsible for actions, damages, injuries, or any other form of losses resulting from the use of the contents or information displayed by CHHETRY & ASSOCIATES, P.C.